Saving the Planet, One New Year’s Resolution at a Time

January 13, 2011
Fabien Cousteau free dives with a Humpback WhaleWhenever I make a choice, I will do my best to ask myself two questions: "What are the consequences of this choice that I'm making?" and, "Will this choice help ensure the long-term protection of our water planet?” ...

Marine Conservation Losses

Pacific BlueFin TunaMarch 31, 2010
In a time of tremendous loss of biodiversity in the marine environment, it saddens me to read the recent headline: “Trade Beats Conservation At U.N. Wildlife Talks" ...

In Support of ‘Salmon Farms Exposed’

Jean-Michel Cousteau and Alexandra Morton February 17, 2010
While filming our PBS/KQED special “Call of the Killer Whale” in British Colombia over a year ago, my team and I heard a consistent message throughout the scientific community, First Nations and marine conservation organizations. That message was that open-net salmon farms are killing many of the wild salmon runs of British Columbia ...

A Gift from the Sea

salmon and sea lice February 1, 2010
Tuesday January 26th was an important day for the long-term survival of wild salmon of the Pacific Northwest ...

OFS in the Press: Diver Magazine: January 2010

Salmon: Lifeblood of the Pacific Northwest

Jean-Michel Cousteau's January 2010 article in Diver Magazine.

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