Environmental News January — February 2020

Quote for the week

“What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.”
— Chris Maser

The Health of the Planet

March 20, 2020
_CEV3927_1.pngDue to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Ocean Futures Society is taking steps to ensure the safety of our office, team, volunteers, and visitors ...

La Salud del Planeta

March 20, 2020
_CEV3927_1.pngDebido a la pandemia de coronavirus (COVID-19), Ocean Futures Society está tomando medidas para garantizar la seguridad de nuestra oficina, equipo, voluntarios y visitantes ...

Whale Sanctuary Project selects Port Hilford, Nova Scotia, for North America’s first sanctuary for captive whales

February 25, 2020
Best-Sanctuary-Site-Image-DSC00748-720-px_0_0.jpgThe Whale Sanctuary Project has announced that it will work together with Sherbrooke and the Municipality of the District of St. Mary’s on the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia to create a seaside sanctuary in Port Hilford for whales being retired from entertainment parks ...

Russian Captive Whales Returned to Their Ocean Homes

February 10, 2020
IMG_5491_2.jpgLast November, the Russian Government completed the return of 10 orcas and 87 belugas back to the ocean after they had been illegally captured off Russia for sale to theme parks in China. It is the largest animal rescue effort ever attemptedd ...


6 de febrero de 2020
Screen Shot 2020-02-04 at 11.40.52 AM_0.pngMi equipo y yo en Ocean Futures Society lamentamos la pérdida de dos valiosas personas que trabajaban denodadamente para salvaguardar una reserva de mariposas Monarca cerca de la ciudad de Ocampo en el estado mexicano de Michoacán ...

Monarch Butterfly Activists Murdered in Mexico

February 6, 2020
Screen Shot 2020-02-04 at 11.40.52 AM_0.pngMy team and I at Ocean Futures Society are mourning the loss of two people who worked to protect a monarch butterfly reserve near the town of Ocampo in the Mexican State of Michoacán ...

Australian wildfires

January 31, 2020
AustralianFires_0.jpgMany places across the Earth are experiencing the effects of climate change. Bushfires are burning out of control in Australia following their hottest and driest year ever recorded ...

A Special Holiday Recipe from JeanMichel Cousteau

Oceans of Thanks for your generous support in 2019

As a thank-you we would like to share with you a plant-based twist on Jean-Michel Cousteaus Stuffed Mushrooms recipe which 
he used to make for The Team while on expedition. Did you know if everyone in America ate plant-based meals for one day a week it would would be like taking 7.6 million cars off the road? It never ceases to amaze us how a bunch of little actions can make a big difference.

The Cárcamos Wetland in León, Guanajuato, Mexico needs Protection

October 15, 2019
CarcamosWetland_1.jpgA large commercial and residential development is proposed adjacent to an important wetland in the city of León, Guanajuato, Mexico....