Ruben Arvizu's letter to the President of the United Mexican States

October 8, 2019

Rubén D. Arvizu's letter to Mr. Andrés Manuel López Obrador,
President of the United Mexican States

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Dear Mr. President,

It has been brought to our attention that in the 2020 Budget, your administration proposes a 7.7% cut for the resources of the vital SEMARNAT.

The environmental crisis that is being experienced worldwide is no stranger to the Mexican Republic. Natural disasters and Climate Change caused by human actions have damaged the country very dramatically in recent months. Immense forest fires have devastated more than two hundred thousand acres along with their biodiversity. Additionally, a series on unusual floods have caused serious damage in various regions of Mexico. Both public opinion and organized citizen groups have indicated that the lack of efforts to combat them was evident. We understand that your government faces a series of major challenges seeking stabilization in healthy and conservative public spending. However, limiting essential funds for environmental protection and care will have disastrous results.

We trust that reason and justice will prevail in the final decision-making, and that cut to SEMARNAT will be avoided. It would be advisable, if possible, that an increase to the budget of SEMARNAT be made allowing them to act promptly and effectively.

You have in your hands a historic opportunity to rescue the enormous ecological wealth of Mexico and be an international example to be imitated by other nations.

Very truly yours,

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Rubén D. Arvizu
Director for América Latina
Ocean Futures Society
Productor, Escritor y Director Fílmico
Embajador del Pacto Climático Global de Ciudades