National Shark Awareness Day

July 17, 2015
Shark Awareness Day Image by Carrie Vonderhaar Know your sharks? Try this riddle: Lurking through all the world’s open seas, I am a fear to many and prompt rapid flee, but though I am large and colossal in size, I am intelligent, curious and probably wise, I learn from experience and adapt as I grow, and in spite of my size I am not at all slow, there is no need to fear me as I can be gentle too, it just takes getting to know me in the big ocean blue. Who am I? ...

From the Shark Protected Waters of the Bahamas

February 21, 2014
diver hammer Murph Bahm 214s_1.jpg Jean-Michel Cousteau is filming with an underwater film team in the shark protected waters of Bahamas for an upcoming documentary ...

A Turning Point for Sharks

November 1, 2011
Blue SharkNations across the world have begun to see the value of sharks as drivers of a healthier ocean ...

Sharks at Risk

October 3, 2011
Shark FisheryI respectfully ask all you fellow divers, Ocean Futures Society supporters, to become ocean champions by doing your part to ensure sharks will remain in our oceans for another 400 million years ...
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